Printed Sole
Team info
Tarique Ali
Number of team members:


Are you looking for co-founders?


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

One or more of the skills / Knowledge in footwear design (+ softwares, eg: gravitysketch) / Alternate materials, bio-plastics / Knowledgeable about 3D printing and its advances / AR + programming / Appreciate brainstorming (in addition to one of the above?)

Contact us!

Printed Sole

The challenge

The challenge is to bring large scale 3D printing as an effective method in the footwear industry that seems to be majorly overlooking at its current potentials which additionally brings in freedom of customization and recycling in an industry as fast paced as footwear consumption

The solution

The product would include a mix of 2 major components, a 3D printed recyclable shoe lower and partial upper and a bio-plastic based upper that opens up customizability. The ability to print it locally and have it shipped is the core conception


Bring forth the ability of footwear customization and production in a local scale

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TU Delft Campus

Building 26C

Van der Burghweg 1

2628 CS Delft

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