O spinner
Team info
Mohammad Ebrahimi
Number of team members:


Are you looking for co-founders?


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

Not right now but in the future. Someone familiar with aviation who can help evaluate the feasibility of this idea (to see if this is even worth a try or not) and someone familiar with solid work or CATIA (not right now..in the future)

Contact us!

O spinner

The challenge

The tires of the airplanes are not rotating at a touchdown (when landing). As a result, they have to skid/slide until their rotational speed matches the velocity of the airplane, leaving dark spots on the runway, damaging the tire. This is the main reason you see smoke come out of airplane tires when you watch airplanes land.

The solution

Using an electric motor with a very simple design (in order to avoid problems when getting certifications required) which can be added to the axial of the landing gear (so it is not needed to redesign the whole landing gear since this is only an addition). This will then pre roll the wheels before the touchdown happens. Furthermore, there won't be any gyroscoping effect and not much energy will be needed (main arguments that people bring up) since this will start working right before the landing.


Make the airplane wheels spin right before the touch down.

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TU Delft Campus

Building 26C

Van der Burghweg 1

2628 CS Delft


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